Woman Uncaged

Embodying The Unstoppable Woman

Laura Gates-Lupton and Linda Katz Season 3 Episode 4

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Welcome to episode 4 of season 3 of the Woman Uncaged podcast! In this week's episode we talk about the reality of the unstoppable woman! What does it mean to be unstoppable and how can we unearth and channel this energy in ourselves?

We explore:

- The sentence that Laura heard from her coach that inspired this conversation: "Being the kind of woman who doesn't allow anyone or anything to hold her back is what dismantles patriarchy" - Carrie Bradley

- Where in her life Laura has recently had to choose between doing the "right" thing and doing the thing that she really wants to do

- How being "good" as a woman is always flavored with self-sacrifice

- Being okay with the consequences of our choices

- How we tap into the unstoppable energy within ourselves

- Reframing selfish into self-responsibility

- The relationship between control and being unstoppable

- Trusting the life force energy and how expansion can feel frightening

- Outgrowing what holds us back and even the things that are good in our lives

- The importance of having people in our lives who mirror back the changes we have made

Resources mentioned:

- Carrie Bradley coaching and her book Dare to Desire: https://www.carriebradley.com/

~Linda's book: Homecoming: One Woman's Story of Dismantling Her Inner Cage and Freeing Her Wild Feminine Soul ~Laura's Monday Missives: https://goodwithmoney.substack.com/

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